Static Splashes

Static Splashes

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Keep Me Waiting - Cymbals Eat Guitars

If you haven't heard Cymbals Eat Guitars yet, I highly suggest checking them out. Unfortunately for Cymbals, they've stayed pretty well under that radar so far, and the awesome weirdness that is their second LP isn't doing anything to push them into the limelight. However, that's the beauty of this band. They don't really aspire to be famous, they aspire to make music that they like. If ...And the Hazy Sea doesn't get you hooked immediately, try listening to the rest of the first LP. It's a beautiful mix of 90s indie-rock mixed with post 2000 prog-rock with a bit of noise mixed in. This is a cut off of their newest LP, Lenses Alien. The video is a bit ridiculous, but that doesn't mean you can't sit back and enjoy CEG in all of their awesomeness. If they ever come to your area, find a way to get to their show. Joseph D'Agostino and crew tear it up on stage and will blow you away with some intensely epic breakdowns.

Check it out right HERE

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bon Iver - Bon Iver

Jagjaguar (Justin Vernon's label) just released the deluxe edition of all 10 videos from the newest Bon Iver album. I'm not going to go through all of them here, but I think the quality of the LP speaks for itself. All 10 videos are available right HERE.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Bonfire - Childish Gambino

Childish Gambino takes a far more mature and refined approach on his newest LP, but that doesn't mean he doesn't lay down anything akin to Freaks and Geeks. Bonfire takes up right where the last album left off and it'll get you moving, trust me. The rest of the album tends to deviate from Gambino's traditional style but that doesn't mean that it's bad. Donald Glover does a surprisingly good job when it comes to more intimate style of rap.

Check it out right HERE